
Toni + Happy

In honor of Mother's day I thought I would post some photo's of Happy and her granddaughter Toni. To our surprise they have been getting along quite well. They do so many of the same things it is downright eerie!

They both like to fence fight.
They yawn the same with a "boooooof" at the end.
They both get out of control with tricks when they get treats.
They are both busybodies and like to follow me around.
They both open the bathroom door the same way to spy on me.
Toni points just like Happy did when she was younger.
They eat the same -- loud, crunchy, and a little messy.
They both do not like those uncouth slobbery hyper dogs.
They are so pretty and have beautiful brindle coats.
They are both just a little bit bitchy!

p.s. If you can't tell which is which, Toni has the red collar.

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