
Toni's 1 year Anniversary

April 14 + 15 marked Miss Toni's 1 year anniversary with us. We can hardly believe that we have had Toni for a year as it seems like yesterday that Gary brought her home from Logan Airport. Toni celebrated in style with a rip-roaring trip to the dog park, a peanut butter cannoli, and lots + lots of cuddles and belly rubs.

Toni has come such a long way from that heartbroken little girl we first met. She has so much confidence and spunk and is turning into an excellent listener. Just yesterday we did a dog collar "photo shoot" and Toni did a better job than Calvin! Speaking of Calvin, she is hardly ever nasty to Calvin anymore -- and when she is he usually deserves it. In fact, the tables have turned in that Toni will now pester Calvin to play and Calvin will grumble in return! And today Toni even tried to play with her Grandma Happy!

Toni's biggest accomplishment is than now she can go to the dog park and even enjoy it! She has started to play with the other dogs and make friends. Why just this week she met another female basenji at the park and when that female raised her mohawk and got snarky. Toni listened to me calling her back and she chose not to partake in a "basenji bitch" scuffle and instead came running to "mom". Good girl, Toni!