
Bed Buddies

I could not believe my eyes when I saw this. Toni and Calvin SHARING Toni's new bed. WOW! I am so impressed with how far Toni has come in terms of accepting my little Calvin.


Toni's bed!

The only dog that has a bed is Miss Happy and Happy has 2 beds one in the living room and one in my craft room. In the summertime I also keep a dog bed on the front porch (which Calvin manages to shred every year) and in the basement.

For about a month now Toni has been hinting around that she wants her own bed. She will "steal" Happy's bed when Happy isn't using it. Toni will also take all of her toys and put them in Happy's bed. I am not sure if this is her way of "claiming" the bed or just a way to keep Happy out of the bed. Regardless, Happy gets VERY ticked off when Toni does this so it looked as if the only way to keep both Happy and Toni happy was to get Toni her own bed.

I am not a fan of the aesthetics of dog beds and I do not understand why they are so darn expensive. So I took about 3 yards of grass green fake fur that I had laying around and I made Toni her very own bean bag styled bed. And she LOVES it! Once she lays down in it it is hard to get her out! Now the only problem is that Calvin wants one too!!!